Peter Geoghegan

Journalist, author, broadcaster

Day: 21st February 2015

UK communists and the fall of the Berlin Wall

Once a hotbed of left-wing agitation, socialists in Cowdenbeath still mourn the beginning of the end of communism. A November 1989 image shows people celebrating the opening of the border between East and West Germany [EPA] Cowdenbeath, Scotland – Twenty-five years ago the heavy thud of the Berlin Wall falling resonated around the world. The […]

Living in the Shadows of Glasgow’s High Rise Ghettos Before They Get Blown Up

Early last April, a letter arrived at Betty Caw’s neat, pebbledash terrace house directly opposite Glasgow’s towering Red Road flats. “The regeneration of North Glasgow is continuing at great pace and with that in mind I have some exciting news,” began a single page on council headed paper signed by Gordon Matheson, leader of Glasgow […]

Spain’s Catalans set to vote on independence

Catalans expected to turn out in droves on Sunday for what is now a ‘symbolic’ independence referendum. Support for independence has risen dramatically in what is seen as an attempt to curb Catalan power [Reuters] Barcelona, Spain – Sleep has been hard to come by in Barcelona this week – but not on account of […]

Rape allegations and IRA paramilitary justice

Group’s culture of summary justice is back in Northern Ireland’s spotlight after new sexual assault accusations. Mairia Cahill claims republicans tried to cover up her rape allegations against an IRA figure [Getty Images] Maintaining law and order in Belfast during the violent days of the Troubles – the 30-year-long conflict in Northern Ireland – was […]

Scotland’s new SNP leader takes the reins

Since she was 16-years-old, Scottish Nationalist Party’s Sturgeon has strove for independence from the UK. Nicola Sturgeon poses with supporters of the ‘yes’ campaign in Perth, Scotland in September [EPA] Glasgow, Scotland – When the Scottish National Party meets for its annual conference next month, members will have plenty to celebrate. Defeat in September’s referendum […]

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